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2019-08-08 15:17:59 山東耀智信息科技有限公司 閱讀

Followers of FDA warning letters and Form 483s will have noticed that over the last 12 – 18 months, there have been increasing mention of data integrity issues around manufacturing data, often as a result of outdated equipment and practices, such as:

  FDA 警告信和 483 表發(fā)現(xiàn),在過去 12 到 18 個月中,生產(chǎn)數(shù)據(jù)相關(guān)的數(shù)據(jù)完整性問題越來越多,這通常是由于老舊的設(shè)備和做法引起的,例如:

  No backup of data from the SCADA system


  No logs of alarm messages for in-process excursions for critical manufacturing operations


  No tracking or trending of process alarms


  Personnel were able to, and did, change process limits to values outside those specified in the batch recipe


  Process parameters in?batch records jar with?the values recorded by the programmable logic controller (PLC)?of?manufacturing?machine.


  Standalone manufacturing equipment?not equipped with HMI/PLC/SCADA system. There is no time stamped audit trail, data management, alarm management, archival and retrieval of records on these standalone manufacturing equipment.”

  單機版生產(chǎn)設(shè)備未配備 HMI/PLC/SCADA 系統(tǒng)。這些單機版生產(chǎn)設(shè)備上沒有帶時間戳的審計最終、數(shù)據(jù)管理、報警管理、記錄存檔和檢索。


  印度Indoco Remedies Limited (PlantI)

  While multiple batch records of (b)(4) mg tablet included handwritten values routinely within process parameters, the values recorded by the programmable logic controller (PLC) of your compression machine were frequently outside your established process parameters. For example, (b)(4) mg batch (b)(4) had compression force valuesh and written (b)(4) in the batch record ranging from (b)(4) (your limit was (b)(4))。


  However, the PLC data recorded individual values ranging from (b)(4) for the same time period. In addition to compression force values, handwritten values for filling depth and automatic weight control (AWC) did not accurately reflect the values within the PLC data.


  An inspection conducted by the (b)(4) in March 2018 found similar discrepancies between the compression force values in batch records and PLC data.


  Your response acknowledged discrepancies including missing data, “mis-matched data,” non-contemporaneous entries, and other inconsistencies in your batch records. It also acknowledged inadequate procedures for compression machine setup and adjustments during operations intended to maintain process control, and a lack of documentation of these critical activities.


  Your response is insufficient. The integrity of all data within your manufacturing records is called into question by the actions of your staff involved in compression operations. You did not commit to perform a comprehensive retrospective evaluation of the integrity of data throughout your manufacturing operation. You also did not adequately address how you will ensure that AWC is consistently maintained and documented throughout compression by providing detailed procedures for setup and changing of parameters during a batch, and address how all associated parameters will be controlled.


  It is essential that you use appropriate continuous process controls to promptly respond to variation in your process, and prevent sporadic loss of control during processing. Additionally, you did not sufficiently detail your batch record changes for each strength of (b)(4) tablets.


  In response to this letter, provide:?


  Procedures that establish use of appropriate AWC and other control procedures in your compression operation. This includes but is not limited to detailed procedures for batch setup and subsequent adjustments for AWC; identification of all parameters that can impact consistency of compression; and complete documentation of all batch production activities.


  Your updated master production and control batch records for drug products that fully document each manufacturing operation. Also submit your most recent executed batch production and control record with full machine printouts for each strength of your (b)(4) ? ? tablet drug product.


  An independent review of all your process parameters for the manufacture of your (b)(4) dosage form drug products to ensure adequacy of ranges, setup parameters, and in-process monitoring for detecting variation in your process.


  A data-driven and scientifically sound program that identifies and controls variability, to ensure production and packaging processes consistently meet appropriate manufacturing standards and parameters. This includes, but is not limited to, evaluating suitability of equipment for its intended use, ensuring quality of input materials, and determining the capability and reliability of each manufacturing process step and control.


  Your corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) plan as requested in the Data Integrity Remediation section of this letter below. As one facet of the comprehensive CAPA plan, an independent reviewer(s) should provide a thorough retrospective assessment of ?manufacturing data validity since February 1, 2016, and perform thorough interviews of production staff (both operators and supervisors)。 This assessment should augment the internal investigation that you have performed and include but not be limited to an independent review of the integrity of (b)(4) in-process checks (b)(4) and disintegration testing, and evaluate any missing compression operation data. The retrospective assessment should fully determine the degree to which this in-process testing data has information gaps (whether due to omissions or lost data), personnel sign-offs occurred at times where staff were not present, and to what extent current data can be relied upon for ? ? this product and other products.


  印度Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

  You lacked audit trails or other sufficient controls to facilitate traceability of the individuals who access each of the programmable logic controller (PLC) levels or Man-Machine Interface (MMI) equipment. You had no way to verify that individuals have not changed, adjusted, or modified equipment operation parameters.

  你們?nèi)狈徲嬜粉櫥蚱渌浞值目刂?,以方便跟蹤每個訪問可編程邏輯控制器 (PLC) 或人機接口 (MMI) 設(shè)備的個人。你們無從確認個人是否未更改、調(diào)整或修改設(shè)備操作參數(shù)。

  Access to production equipment used in parenteral manufacturing and solid (b)(4) dosage forms used a password shared by four or five individuals to gain access to each individual piece of equipment and access level. During our inspection, your Executive Production and QA manager confirmed that the password was shared. Neither your operators nor your supervisors had individual passwords.

  使用四五個人共享的密碼,訪問無菌和固體制劑產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)設(shè)備,獲取每一個設(shè)備和接入級別。在我們檢查期間,你們的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)理和 QA 經(jīng)理承認密碼是共享的。你們的操作人員和主管都沒有單獨的密碼。?

  During our inspection, firm officials also confirmed that you had not established or documented a control program to describe the roles and responsibilities of production equipment system administrators. There was also no record documenting the individuals who have access to the production equipment or the manner in which individual personnel access production equipment.


  In your response, you indicated that you have performed a comprehensive review of the PLCs and manufacturing equipment associated with the production of parenteral and solid (b)(4) dosage forms to assess your access controls and traceability to individual operators. You suggested that traceability to the individual operator could be determined through a hybrid system using the batch manufacturing record and equipment logbook. However, because you used shared login credentials that did not permit identification of a specific person using the shared login, you have not shown how your hybrid system could link specific actions to a specific operator.

  在你們的回復中,你們表示對與無菌和固體劑型相關(guān)的 PLC 和生產(chǎn)設(shè)備進行了全面審查,以評估權(quán)限控制和人員的可追溯性。你們表示,對于操作人員的追溯性可以通過使用批生產(chǎn)記錄和設(shè)備日志的混合系統(tǒng)來確定。但是,由于你們使用共享的登錄憑據(jù),無法識別使用共享登錄的具體人員,因此你們沒有辦法證明你們的混合系統(tǒng)如何將特定操作鏈接到集體的操作人員。?

  In your response, you also stated that you will conduct a retrospective risk assessment to evaluate the effects of your deficient computerized system controls on the quality of the products manufactured using this automated equipment. However, you did not indicated the timeframe for your review, your criteria for evaluating the effects of these deficiencies on your products, or any actions needed for products within expiry.


  Finally, in your response, you indicated that you planned to (b)(4)。 Your response is inadequate because you did not indicate what controls you will implement in the interim to assure that only authorized personnel change your production or other records.

  最后,在答復中,你們表示計劃 (b)(4)。你們的回復是不充分的,因為你們沒有說明在此過渡期間將實施哪些控制措施,以確保只有經(jīng)過授權(quán)的人員才可更改生產(chǎn)或其他記錄。

  In response to the letter, provide your retrospective review and risk assessment of lots manufactured using equipment with shared passwords. Explain how you will identify which operators or personnel performed and recorded specific activities, your criteria for evaluating how manufacturing and quality of your products has been affected by your deficient controls, and any actions needed to assure the quality, safety, and efficacy of products within expiry.


